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google maps doesnt show after upload to google play

I uploaded my app to the google play store, and the map didn't work, just showed white screen. I understand that I have to get a key based on the release certificate fingerprint. I have tried to read all about it, and have done the following, but it still isn't working:

I created a new keystore (with password, and alias and password etc) from Android Studio.

I run the cmd and did this:

keytool -list -v -keystore key.jls -alias MyPlaces

then put in my password, and got all the information that I need. I generated a key for google maps and places api, based on the sha1 fingerprint result that I got. I put in my package name. I put the Alias code back into my app for the key.

But it still doesn't work. I know others have had this problem, but what helped for them hasn't helped me.

Why? I hope its clear what i wrote. Thanks

I am not uploading it each time i check to the play store. Rather i create the signed apk, then try to run it from my phone. DOes this matter?


This is the message I get in the logs.

06-22 23:10:07.529 6500-6543/? E/b: Authentication failed on the server.

06-22 23:10:07.530 6500-6543/? E/Google Maps Android API: Authorization failure. Please see https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/android-api/start for how to correctly set up the map.

06-22 23:10:07.536 6500-6543/? E/Google Maps Android API: In the Google Developer Console (https://console.developers.google.com)

Ensure that the "Google Maps Android API v2" is enabled.

Ensure that the following Android Key exists:


Android Application (;): 38:.......F0;com.....myplaces (I have deleted this for security)

like image 472
RJB Avatar asked Jun 22 '16 19:06


People also ask

Why won't my Google Maps show up?

Clear the app's cache & data On your Android phone or tablet, open the Settings app . Tap Apps & notifications. Follow the steps on your device to find the Maps app. After you select the app, storage & cache options should be available.

How long does it take for app to appear in Google Play?

How long does it take to publish an app on Google Play? Google says the review process could take up to 7 days or even longer. But usually, it takes up to 2 days. Please, keep in mind that it may take a few days to fill in all the necessary information in the Google Developer account before submitting the application.

Does Google Maps use Google Play services?

Google Play services enables Maps to run on your Android devices, as per Google statement: With Google Play services, your app can take advantage of the latest, Google-powered features such as Maps, Google+, and more, with automatic platform updates distributed as an APK through the Google Play store.

2 Answers

i solved this problem finally after 3 week :D

you upload the googleplay your apk, now you have 2 different " SHA-1 ", They are "Installation certificate (your old certificate code)" and "Application signing certificate(its the new, from the googleplay")

you need to do so easy, you must add to api console your new SHA-1

like image 100
Ali Güvenaltın Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Ali Güvenaltın

First check if you have debug and release app keys. Then you have to link your api to your proyect. Apis and services (google play console). So You have to configure google play services because google maps api uses it.

enter image description here Sorry for spanish, but it must be the same way

I know there are diferent keys for debug and released apps. i recomend API v3 too.

Try this to register your api key.

https://console.developers.google.com/flows/enableapi?apiid=maps_android_backend&keyType=CLIENT_SIDE_ANDROID&r=24:85:5A:C0:F8:0D:36:4C:1A:B9:45:B6:21:92:B0:6E:7D:71:55:08%3Bcom.mapsapi.vatsan.googlemapsapidemo It can take some minutes. Then you have to set your google_maps_key in your android app Manifiest.

        android:value="AIzaSDSSDDDAAD...Your API KEY" />

If doesnt work and if you are using android studio, try creating a new Map Activity(It's V3), complete res/values/google_maps_api.xml with the key and the map gonna work. How to create google map

I can use googlemaps in my app after upload it to google play store. You have to configure Google Play Services in your google play console.

like image 39
Cunity Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09
