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Google Maps API V3: How to get region border coordinates (polyline) data? [duplicate]

I'm trying to get (specified) region borders as GMaps coordinates (to form a polyline) from Google Maps. Is this possible in some way? (either from maps.google.com or my own GMaps in my own domain).

Note: I know you can draw/outline regions manually with tools intended for it (like http://www.birdtheme.org/useful/v3tool.html), but covering a large region ACCURATELY is a ton of work. The draw-it-yourself answer is not an option in this case.


  1. https://maps.google.com/ -> type in "Uusimaa, Finland"
  2. You can see the pink-ish border that outlines the wanted region
  3. That border is the polyline that I need the coordinates of


  • Extract the region data coordinates (if available) from a given search (as in the example)
  • If the previous is not possible, a source to an ACCURATE map of the region "Uusimaa, Finland" is required (plain googling did not yield needed results).
like image 521
Harri Virtanen Avatar asked Aug 30 '12 09:08

Harri Virtanen

People also ask

What are polylines in maps?

Polylines. Polylines, provided by Google Maps, are useful to track different paths. You can add polylines to a map by instantiating the class google.

1 Answers

This is becoming a FAQ. See the replies to these questions:

Add "Search Area" outline onto google maps result

Google has started highlighting search areas in Pink color. Is this feature available in Google Maps API 3?

like image 123
Marcelo Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 09:10
