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Google maps api v3 default icons? [closed]

Am I right in thinking that there's only ONE icon included in google maps, and to use anything other than that you have specify a URL for an image, and a URL for a shadow, etc etc?

Basically I'm shocked that all of the icons you can see if you create a "My Maps" map aren't available in the API. It should be as simple as saying "icon: greenPin", "icon: parking", "icon: tent", surely?

Seems bizarre that they've not included such a basic thing given how powerful the rest of the API is - why make us jump through hoops giving specific URLs to images & shadows?

Am I missing something?

At the very least where can I find a list of the official google URLs for these "built in" images, as I'm struggling even with that.


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Codemonkey Avatar asked Jan 20 '12 13:01


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Click the name of the pin you've just added on the menu panel on the upper left corner of the web page, and click the paint bucket icon next to it. A small dialog box with a color picker will appear. Click “More Icons” on the box, and a larger dialog box labeled “Choose your icon” will show.

2 Answers

Google has refreshed the look of the icons (and other things). The new default icon is this one here.

Other icons with this look can be found/made here.

^(By editing that URL, you can get the icons with letters inside, other colors, different sizes, &c.)

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postylem Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 02:10


Yes you are right, google default image is only one and if you want to another image you have to use URL.


http://www.google.com/mapfiles/marker" + letter + ".png"

here you can replace the letter with any alphabet.

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Ramesh Kotha Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 03:10

Ramesh Kotha