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Google Maps API: SVG Marker moves relative to map when you zoom

I have created two markers on a map, one a standard marker, the other using an SVG path. The standard marker does not move relative to the map when I zoom out, but the SVG marker does. Here is a fiddle where you can see what I mean:


Any thoughts on how to get the SVG marker to hold its place relative to the map?

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>SVG Marker Moves</title>
    <script src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?v=3&amp;sensor=false"></script>
    html, body, #map_canvas {
        height: 100%;
        margin: 0;
<div id="map_canvas"></div>

var islandLoc = new google.maps.LatLng(48.692492,-122.908192);
var birdLoc = new google.maps.LatLng(48.692615936699596, -122.90869625529479);

var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'),{
  zoom: 19,
  center: islandLoc,
  disableDefaultUI: false,
  zoomControl: true,
  zoomControlOptions: {
    style: google.maps.ZoomControlStyle.SMALL
  mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE

var island_marker = new google.maps.Marker({
  position: islandLoc,
  map: map

var bird_icon = {
        path: "m130.90909,164l54.09091,-23c0,0 -2.09091,-45 31.90909,-46c34,-1 37,6 42,23c5,17 -30,56 -30,71c0,15 23,21 56,40c33,19 56,62 64,81c8,19 14,39 21,46c7,7 16,16 15.09091,16c-0.90909,0 -14.09091,7 -15,7c-0.90909,0 -37.09091,-23 -46.09091,-23c-9,0 -35,-6 -57,-15c-22,-9 -35,-21 -35.90909,-21c-0.90909,0 0.90909,18 -0.09091,27c-1,9 -5,27 -5.90909,27c-0.90909,0 -7.09091,-15 -7.09091,-20c0,-5 5,-19 4.09091,-19c-0.90909,0 -3.09091,-16 -4,-16c-0.90909,0 -12.09091,0 -13,0c-0.90909,0 2.90909,10 0.90909,17c-2,7 2,31 1.09091,31c-0.90909,0 -17.09091,14 -18,14c-0.90909,0 8.90909,-20 8,-20c-0.90909,0 -1.09091,-15 -2.09091,-20c-1,-5 -5,-22 -5.90909,-22c-0.90909,0 -15.09091,-9 -29.09091,-50c-14,-41 37,-86 39,-93c2,-7 -8,-19 -8.90909,-19c-0.90909,0 -59.09091,7 -59.09091,7z",
        fillColor: '#000000',
         strokeColor: '#FFFFFF',
        fillOpacity: 1,
        strokeWeight: 1,

var bird_marker = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: birdLoc,
    map: map,
    icon: bird_icon

like image 821
user1147171 Avatar asked Jan 07 '14 20:01


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1 Answers

You must define the anchor for the symbol(for a symbol the default is the top left corner, while default for a image is the bottom center)

For this specific symbol the Point for a bottom center anchor would be approximately 258,381

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/a3LKP/5/

Explanation of the calculation of the origin at bottom center(for inkscape).

Let's assume you didn't create the path(symbol) on your own, create a SVG-document with the given path:

    <path d="m130.90909,164l54.09091,-23c0,0 -2.09091,-45 31.90909,-46c34,-1 37,6 42,23c5,17 -30,56 -30,71c0,15 23,21 56,40c33,19 56,62 64,81c8,19 14,39 21,46c7,7 16,16 15.09091,16c-0.90909,0 -14.09091,7 -15,7c-0.90909,0 -37.09091,-23 -46.09091,-23c-9,0 -35,-6 -57,-15c-22,-9 -35,-21 -35.90909,-21c-0.90909,0 0.90909,18 -0.09091,27c-1,9 -5,27 -5.90909,27c-0.90909,0 -7.09091,-15 -7.09091,-20c0,-5 5,-19 4.09091,-19c-0.90909,0 -3.09091,-16 -4,-16c-0.90909,0 -12.09091,0 -13,0c-0.90909,0 2.90909,10 0.90909,17c-2,7 2,31 1.09091,31c-0.90909,0 -17.09091,14 -18,14c-0.90909,0 8.90909,-20 8,-20c-0.90909,0 -1.09091,-15 -2.09091,-20c-1,-5 -5,-22 -5.90909,-22c-0.90909,0 -15.09091,-9 -29.09091,-50c-14,-41 37,-86 39,-93c2,-7 -8,-19 -8.90909,-19c-0.90909,0 -59.09091,7 -59.09091,7z"/>

Open this document with inkscape.

First go to File->document-properties->page to determine the document-height(for me it's 1052.36px , I guess that's the default)

Then click on the symbol to select it, in the menubar you should see the properties of the object: X , Y , W(idth), (H)eight.

For me it's now:
document-height: 1052.36
object-x: 130.909
object-y: 671.362
object-width: 254.155
object-height: 286.093

calculating the y of the bottom :
substract the object-y from the document-height(1052-671=381)

calculating the x of the center :
add the half of the objects width to the objects x(131+(254/2)=258)

So the anchor is new google.maps.Point(258,381)

like image 134
Dr.Molle Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 16:10
