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Google Maps Android -- Map suddenly no longer displayed

I'm working on integrating Google Maps into the app I'm working on and I've had a rather unpleasant time doing it thus far. Regardless, I finally got a SupportMapFragment displaying a map and set a location and zoom level.

Here is the functional bits of my code thus far:

public void onActivityCreated( Bundle savedInstanceState ) {

    super.onActivityCreated( savedInstanceState );

    Location location = BundleChecker.getExtraOrThrow( KEY_LOCATION, new Bundle[] { savedInstanceState, getArguments() } );
    setLocation( location );

    if ( checkGooglePlayServicesStatus() == ConnectionResult.SUCCESS ) {
        setMapFragment( new SupportMapFragment() );
        getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().add( R.id.location_detail_mapFrame, getMapFragment() ).commit();



    Runnable initMap = new Runnable() {

        public void run() {

            if ( checkGooglePlayServicesStatus() == ConnectionResult.SUCCESS ) {
                try {
                    GoogleMap map = getMapFragment().getMap();
                    LatLng latLng = getLocation().getAddress().getLatLng( getActivity() );
                    CameraUpdate update = CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom( latLng, DEFAULT_MAP_ZOOM );
                    map.animateCamera( update );
                catch (IOException e) {
                    Log.e( TAG, e.getMessage(), e );
                    Toast.makeText( getActivity(), "Unable to find location", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show();


    Handler handler = new Handler();
    handler.postDelayed( initMap, 200 );

Also, I wrote a simple convenience method to get a LatLng from my Address model that you may criticize as well:

 * Convenience method to easily check if there is a valid lat & lng in this address
public boolean hasLatLng() {

    return getLatitude() != null && getLongitude() != null;

 * Convenience method for use with Google Maps API
public LatLng getLatLng( Context context ) throws IOException {

    LatLng latLng = null;
    if ( hasLatLng() ) {
        latLng = new LatLng( getLatitude(), getLongitude() );
    else {
        String locationString = getStreet() + ", " + AddressUtil.makeCityStateZipString( this );
        Geocoder geoCoder = new Geocoder( context );
        try {
            List<android.location.Address> matches = geoCoder.getFromLocationName( locationString, 2 );
            if ( matches != null && matches.size() > 0 ) {
                double lat = matches.get( 0 ).getLatitude();
                double lng = matches.get( 0 ).getLongitude();
                latLng = new LatLng( lat, lng );
        catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IOException( e );

    return latLng;

I'm aware that this code is not ideal and needs to be refactored. This is my first time working with Google Maps so please feel free to offer suggestions as to how I might do that as well. I experienced a lot of problems when trying to use the MapFragment as a in my layout XML, so I'm creating it programmatically.

The heart of the matter: I was getting some bogus address data from the staging server and this resulted in the Address#getLatLng method returning null which caused an exception when calling CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom. After I got this exception, I was no longer able to get map data from Google. The map fragment is blank now and messages are displayed in logcat:

SupportMapFragment with no map content

05-21 18:11:42.903: I/Google Maps Android API(15747): Failed to contact Google servers. Another attempt will be made when connectivity is established.

05-21 18:11:43.093: E/Google Maps Android API(15747): Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers. This is probably an authentication issue (but could be due to network errors).

I have created a new api key and replaced the current one in my manifest with no change. The only changes I had made to the above code were to account for a null LatLng and I have since undone those changes in a pointless attempt to get my code back to a functional state.

Additionally, to make things a bit stranger, I built the sample maps project that is included with the Google Play Services Extras and it works perfectly (has a separate API key, btw).

What might I have done wrong here? Am I overlooking something obvious?

like image 828
dm78 Avatar asked May 22 '13 14:05


People also ask

Why is Google Maps not displaying?

There are various reasons why this happens. It's possible the location accuracy option is disabled, you're using an older version of the app, or you don't have proper access to the internet. The Google Maps app itself may have issues, too. Cache files and other app data can sometimes cause various issues with the app.

Why is my navigation not showing the map?

Delete the cache If you often use Google Maps on your phone, some of the files stored in your cache may break certain features and prevent the app from properly displaying the map. Go to Storage and tap the Clear cache button.

Is there a problem with Google Maps right now?

Maps.google.com is UP and reachable by us.

2 Answers

This problem is usually derived from a problem in referencing google-play-service library. Take a look at this blog post I wrote on how to integrate Google Maps in your application, especially the first 3 steps:

Google Maps API V2

another cause of this could be that you haven't configured the Google API Console properly, so I suggest you to take a look at this guide as well:

Google Maps API V2 Key

another reason that may cause this is if you have some kind of problem in your permissions in the manifest file. You can look at the first guide for the needed permissions as well.

like image 119
Emil Adz Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 01:11

Emil Adz

Use Something like this:

  1. Update the google play services in the SDK.

  2. Manually uninstall the App from device and restart the device. i have tried it and its going perfectly bro

Also do one thing get the new api key to edited the new sh1 code from https://code.google.com/apis/console/

you can get your sh1 code from window- preference-android-buid

like image 38
Ravind Maurya Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 01:11

Ravind Maurya