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Google-like search query tokenization & string splitting

I'm looking to tokenize a search query similar to how Google does it. For instance, if I have the following search query:

the quick "brown fox" jumps over the "lazy dog"

I would like to have a string array with the following tokens:

brown fox
lazy dog

As you can see, the tokens preserve the spaces with in double quotes.

I'm looking for some examples of how I could do this in C#, preferably not using regular expressions, however if that makes the most sense and would be the most performant, then so be it.

Also I would like to know how I could extend this to handle other special characters, for example, putting a - in front of a term to force exclusion from a search query and so on.

like image 751
jamesaharvey Avatar asked Dec 10 '09 18:12


2 Answers

So far, this looks like a good candidate for RegEx's. If it gets significantly more complicated, then a more complex tokenizing scheme may be necessary, but your should avoid that route unless necessary as it is significantly more work. (on the other hand, for complex schemas, regex quickly turns into a dog and should likewise be avoided).

This regex should solve your problem:


Here is a C# example of its usage:

string data = "the quick \"brown fox\" jumps over the \"lazy dog\"";
string pattern = @"(""[^""]+""|\w+)\s*";

MatchCollection mc = Regex.Matches(data, pattern);
foreach(Match m in mc)
    string group = m.Groups[0].Value;

The real benefit of this method is it can be easily extened to include your "-" requirement like so:

string data = "the quick \"brown fox\" jumps over " +
              "the \"lazy dog\" -\"lazy cat\" -energetic";
string pattern = @"(-""[^""]+""|""[^""]+""|-\w+|\w+)\s*";

MatchCollection mc = Regex.Matches(data, pattern);
foreach(Match m in mc)
    string group = m.Groups[0].Value;

Now I hate reading Regex's as much as the next guy, but if you split it up, this one is quite easy to read:



  1. If possible match a minus sign, followed by a " followed by everything until the next "
  2. Otherwise match a " followed by everything until the next "
  3. Otherwise match a - followed by any word characters
  4. Otherwise match as many word characters as you can
  5. Put the result in a group
  6. Swallow up any following space characters
like image 131
Michael La Voie Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09

Michael La Voie

Go char by char to the string like this: (sort of pseudo code)

array words = {} // empty array
string word = "" // empty word
bool in_quotes = false
for char c in search string:
    if in_quotes:
        if c is '"':
            append word to words
            word = "" // empty word
            in_quotes = false
            append c to word
   else if c is '"':
        in_quotes = true
   else if c is ' ': // space
       if not empty word:
           append word to words
           word = "" // empty word
        append c to word

// Rest
if not empty word:
    append word to words
like image 41
VDVLeon Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 00:09