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Google just charged me for my in-app Test purchase, What do I do?

My app is in alpha mode but published. I can see this in developer console "Only alpha and beta testers can see the listing in Google Play, since you have not yet uploaded any APKs to prod."

But when I tested a in-app purchase with a different test account, My credit card was charged.

First how do I get My money back. Second how test in-app properly, without been charged.


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pats Avatar asked Apr 30 '15 11:04


People also ask

Will Google refund in-app purchases?

Request a refund for recent purchases If it's been less than 48 hours since you bought an app or made an in-app purchase: You can request a refund through Google Play. If you bought movies, books, or other content: You may be able to request a refund more than 48 hours after your purchase (check policy below).

Does Google charge for in-app purchases?

Tech giant Google said that it will enforce its Google Play rules that require all app developers on the Play Store to use its in-app payment system. With this move, all Android developers will use Google's billing system which takes a 30 percent fee from payments. So what qualifies for in-app purchases?

Why is Google Play charging my account?

When you check your bank account or card statement, you may see pending payment authorizations. These authorizations happen so Google can make sure the card is valid, and to check that you have enough funds in your account to make the purchase. These are authorization requests, and not charges.

2 Answers

This happened to me as well. This is because the documentation says :

It’s easy to set up test purchases—any user account can be chosen to be a test account, and any user of a test account can make test purchases with any available payment method (even though there’s no charge to the payment method).

But I missed this part :

Next, create license test accounts for authorized users. In the Developer Console, go to Settings > Account details, then in the License Testing section, add the addresses to Gmail accounts with testing access field.

So having a test account that opted-in to the alpha release isn't enough, you need to add the same email address to the licensing section.

If you don't see this message, you will be charged :

This is a test order, you will not be charged.

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now Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 04:10


For First how do I get My money back, you can also go into the Play Console, Order Management, and issue your test user a refund.

Then be sure to add the test user(s) to the list of license testers as in @z0me's answer to prevent it happening again.

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Eric Hedstrom Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 04:10

Eric Hedstrom