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Google goggles API [closed]

Does anyone know if there is a google goggles API for Android? If not, is there one coming any time soon? With an API for this thing the possibilities are endless...

So far all I've been able to find on this subject is a discussion about not currently having a version for the iPhone due to it's "google labs" status (iPhone version coming once it's more "complete"). I'm hoping an API may be released then. Anybody have any info on this at all?

like image 588
Russell Troywest Avatar asked Jan 17 '10 10:01

Russell Troywest

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By using the API, you can effortlessly add impressive features such as face detection, emotion detection, and optical character recognition to your Android apps.

Is Google Image API free?

Price: You can get started by signing up for their free plan, which allows 50 requests in a month. If you need more, there are other options, including $29.99 for 5000 requests and other high volume plans of $379.99 for 100,000 requests in a month.

Is Google API free?

Some Google APIs charge for usage, and you need to enable billing before you can start using these APIs. Enabling billing for the APIs that your projects use also has other advantages: Some APIs allow free usage up to a courtesy usage limit, and in some cases this free limit is increased when you enable billing.

1 Answers

Google Goggles to Become App Platform http://phandroid.com/2010/04/14/google-goggles-to-become-app-platform/

like image 194
Damon Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09
