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Google geocoding on the fly using laravel queue


I have about 100 GPS device sending coordinates periodically on every 10 seconds . My customer want real time reverse geocoding to see his vehicles along with location on a tabular view. I have set up a queue to save all those packets in db before where I have added geocoding script like below

  1. Receive TCP IP message using websocket

    public function onMessage(ConnectionInterface $conn, $msg) {
     //get the message
     // send the dispatch job to save it in db
     $this->dispatch(new SavePacketsToDb($key_1, json_encode(
                                                'company_id' => $key_1,
                                                'vehicle_id' => $company->vehicle_id,
                                                'tracker_id' => $company->tracker_id,
                                                'lat' => $lat,
                                                'lng' => $lng,
                                                'imei' => $imei,
                                                'datetime' => $datetime,


  2. Run a queue

    public function handle(){
    $url = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng=" . $lat . "," . $lng . "&key=mykey";
                    $json = file_get_contents($url);
                    $data = json_decode($json);
                    $status = $data->status;
                    $address = '';
                    if ($status == "OK") {  
                       // echo "from geocode address";
                        echo $address = $data->results[0]->formatted_address;
         //save to db

I am just worried if it works for 1000 concurrent devices if I include this geocoding on queue, is there any better approach for it?