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Google font display=swap strange behaviour

I tried to use google font api by injecting this piece of code into my html code

<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Playfair+Display|Source+Serif+Pro|Suwannaphum&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">

I found when loading my website the text using the font would "glitch". It would be displayed as small for a brief second then become normal.

After a lot of experimenting I removed &display=swap section from the code and the issue didn't occur anymore and I was able to use the font.

Why does &display=swap cause a glitch? I copied the code directly from google api font website.

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tyleax Avatar asked Jun 11 '19 05:06


1 Answers

The &display=swap sets font-display: swap, which allows for the fallback font (the smaller one in your case) to be used until the font has been loaded and can be swapped in.

By not using &display=swap, you will not have the issue with changing fonts, however it will take an increased amount of time before any text using the font is visible on your website.

like image 174
Icehorn Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 08:09
