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Google Drive & iOS8 UIDocumentPickerViewController - file grayed out

I'm using iOS8 UIDocumentPickerViewController to export and import a zip file to different cloud services (iCloud,DropBox,Drive, etc.).

I don't have issues with iCloud and Dropbox, but with Google Drive I can't import the file because it is grayed out in the interface that displays files (export is working like a charm).

The funny thing is that if I upload a zip file to Drive via the Web interface, the file is not grayed out and I can import it via UIDocumentPickerViewController - so I suspect this is an issue during the export that create the issue when I want to import the zip file.


The exported zip file can of course be downloaded via Google drive web interface.

I tried to use a proprietary extensions (instead of .zip) defined it the info.plist, but it is the same result (works everywhere except when importing from Drive)

I thought the issue was with the UTI passed to UIDocumentPickerViewController but I tried all kind of UTI (kUTTypeZipArchive, @"public.archive", @"public.zip-archive") with no success (in both case: with a proprietary extension, or with a .zip extension)

I also export/import XML files (with a proprietary extension) and everything is working well for all cloud services including Drive - I just had to add the "public.data" UTI in the allowed UTIs in UIDocumentPickerViewController.

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Pierre Avatar asked Jan 29 '15 23:01


1 Answers

This seems to be a bug in Google Drive. It does not handle the allowedUTIs correctly.

I also wanted to open my own proprietary types, but they didn't work. I had to add "public.data" to allow all files and check the extension when a document was picked. This is not as nice as if only my types were available in the picker, but it works.

like image 183
Michael Rumpler Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

Michael Rumpler