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Google Drive API Revisions list() and get() methods not populating lastModifyingUser objects

Using either the list or get methods against the Google Drive Revisions API, I'm getting very small result objects with no lastModifyingUser data. I can easily reproduce this in the API Explorer in the API docs for either method.

All revision responses return identical blank data like this:

"lastModifyingUserName": "",
"lastModifyingUser": {
  "kind": "drive#user",
  "isAuthenticatedUser": false

The requests are fully authorized against a Google Apps for business account, and all the revisions were made by logged-in Google Apps users. I'm not having problems getting any other document metadata.

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Liza Daly Avatar asked Mar 03 '13 20:03

Liza Daly

1 Answers

Same result reproduced for Google Docs(Spreadsheet, Presentation, etc) file.

For now, you can use Files.get() which will return lastModifyingUser of latest change of the whole file, although you cannot view lastModifyingUser for each revision.

I will report this for you. Sorry for inconvenience.

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JunYoung Gwak Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 12:01

JunYoung Gwak