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Google docs viewer url parameters

Is there any sort of documentation on exactly what parameters you can put in the url of Google viewer?

Originally, I thought it was just url,embedded,chrome, but I've recently come accross other funny ones like a,pagenumber, and a few others for authentication etc.

Any clues?

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P O'Conbhui Avatar asked Feb 07 '11 01:02

P O'Conbhui

3 Answers

One I know is "chrome"

If you've got https://docs.google.com/viewer?........;chrome=true

then you see a fairly heavy UI version of that doc, however with "chrome=false" you get a compact version.

But indeed, I'd like a complete list myself!

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James T Snell Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 01:11

James T Snell

I'm also on a quest to discover some of the parameters of the viewer. the "chrome" parameter doesn't seem to do anything, though. Is this supposed to be the same as embedded=true?

Parameters I know of:

url= (obviously)
embedded= (obviously)
hl= set language of UI (tooltips)
#:0.page.1 = jump to page 2 (page 1 is numbered 0) - this is unreliable and often requires a refresh after the first load, defeating the purpose.

That said, when I use the Google Docs viewer on my site, "fit page to screen" is the default view without any parameters. So maybe I'm misunderstanding your question.

Source: For convenience, this is a full quote of the sole answer (it is from user k3david) to the crosspost of this question @Doc has posted to the Google support forum in 2011.

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Aaron Thoma Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 02:11

Aaron Thoma

I know this question is very old and perhaps you already solved your issue, but for anyone on the internet who might be looking for an answer...

I have been looking for this recently, following a guide I found on GitHub Gist


More specifically, the option to embed a certain page of pdf using

<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/viewer?srcid=[put your file id here]&pid=explorer&efh=false&a=v&chrome=false&embedded=true" width="580px" height="480px"></iframe>

The best I could fing was this article (I suppose from a long time now)


HOWEVER, I tried modifying the attributes and the result was simply a redirect to

  • https://drive.google.com/file/d/[ID]/edit
  • https://drive.google.com/file/d/[ID]/preview or
  • https://drive.google.com/file/d/[ID]/view


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edvilme Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 03:11
