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Google Developer Tools "Network" Tab clears after redirect

People also ask

What is the difference between transferred and resources in Chrome DevTools Network tab?

"Transferred" is the compressed size of all resources. You can think of it as the amount of upload and download data that a mobile user will use in order to load this page. "Resources" is the uncompressed size of all resources.

What is Network tab in Chrome Developer Tools?

It will open up the console tab in DevTools by default. Clicking "cmd + opt + j" opens up console panel in DevTools. Once the console tab is open, simply click on the network tab to make it visible. Clicking on the "network" tab will show you all network requests being made for a certain page.

In the network tab of dev tools, on the top left of the dev tools there should be a checkbox labelled Preserve log. Click that and it will preserve network upon navigation.

Chrome screenshot

(older versions may have the record button in the buttom left, as seen here)