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Google colab consumes too much of internet data

Recently google colab consumes too much of internet data . Approx 4GB in 6 hours of training for single notebook . What can be the issue ?

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user760664 Avatar asked Dec 03 '19 07:12


People also ask

Does colab use alot of data?

Limited Space & Time: The Google Colab platform stores files in Google Drive with a free space of 15GB; however, working on bigger datasets requires more space, making it difficult to execute.

Does google colab use my data?

No, it won't consume (much) of your data. Google Colab runs on Google Cloud. If it downloand some data, it travel to Google Cloud, not to your computer. Only the text you type, the output text, and some images travel to your computer.

Does google colab depend on internet speed?

I think yes, Google Colab's speed is affected by our Internet connection.

Can colab run without internet?

As far as I know and I found in the online articles Colab doesn't support running without an internet connection.

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1 Answers

Yes I have the same issue. It normally works fine but, there is sudden spike in the internet data. Check this. In the process it wasted 700 Mb in just 20 minutes, and I have mobile internet, so this creates a problem sometimes. Didn't find the answer but it seems like there is some kind of synchronization going on between the browser and the colab platform.

One thing you could do is to open the notebook in Playground mode as shown in this link How to remove the autosave option in Colab. This only happens because of the fact that Colab is saving everytime and there is a constant spike in the network. It becomes difficult when you use only mobile data. So, it is a safe option to open the notebook in Playground mode, so that the synchronization doesn't continue as usual.

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Jimut123 Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 04:09
