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Google Cloud SQL import unknown error

Instance: db-n1-standard-1 - 200gig - us-central - Second Generation

I have a mysql database on an external production server I'm trying to get into Google Cloud SQL. It's approx 130 gigs (uncompressed).

I dumped the file - moved to google storage - ran the import. I got a notification during the import with a "unknown error". I was watching the storage meter, and it kept increasing so it appeared as though it was still processing.

It apparently picked itself back up and completed successfully.

If I go into the "Operations" tab for the instance, it makes no mention of the "error" notification (that is still available with a "RETRY" option from the notifications area at the top of the page), but instead says "Import from gs://[bucket_name]/mysqld.sql.gz succeeded."

I exported the binlog changes and ran it in the same fashion. Another error in notification but it appeared to continue. Operations tab again has a successful message with no mention of any errors.

This is a large dataset. Not sure how to validate that all is well, or which notification I should trust..

Any suggestions?

like image 642
dpluscc Avatar asked Feb 07 '23 08:02


1 Answers

Sorry :(

There's a known issue with the status timing out in the notification panel and showing an error. You can trust the status in the operation list.

like image 191
Vadim Avatar answered May 11 '23 10:05
