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Google Cloud Functions to only Ack Pub/Sub on success (Problem resolved by GCP)

An early version of Google Cloud Functions had a limitation with regards to retries when errors occurred. They have since provided enhancements that resolve this issue.

We are using a cloud function triggered by Pub/Sub to ensure delivery of an e-mail. Sometimes the e-mail service takes a long time to respond and our cloud function terminates before we get an error back. Since the message has already been acknowledged our e-mail gets lost.

The cloud function appears to be sending an ACK the Pub/Sub message automatically when we are called. Is there a way to delay the ACK until the successful completion of our code? Alternatively is there a way to catch timeouts and requeue the message for delivery? Something else we could try?

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Geoffrey Avatar asked May 12 '17 15:05


People also ask

How does Pubsub work in GCP?

Google Cloud Pub/Sub provides messaging between applications. Cloud Pub/Sub is designed to provide reliable, many-to-many, asynchronous messaging between applications. Publisher applications can send messages to a "topic" and other applications can subscribe to that topic to receive the messages.

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2 Answers

I heard from Google support that they do not currently provide the means to delay the ACK when a cloud function is invoked by Pub/Sub. If you want to use cloud functions with Pub/Sub you need to handle the error case yourself. For example you could have your cloud function requeue a message for the retry with a retry count.

This would seem to make it unnecessarily difficult to guarantee execution with Pub/Sub and cloud functions.

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Geoffrey Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 08:10


This is a problem because Functions ACKing a message on invoke, even if they crash, prevents the use of the new "dead-letter" feature.

Also, it goes against the docs. see note after this code sample: https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/calling/pubsub#sample_code

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Nihil Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10
