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Google cloud deployment manager update Container cluster

I'm trying to create a Google Cloud Deployment Manager configuration to deploy and manage a Google Cloud Container cluster. So far, creating a configuration to create a cluster works, however updating fails. If I change a setting, the execution of the script fails with an error message I can't decipher:

  location: /deployments/my-first-cluster/resources/my-first-test-cluster-setup
JSON payload received. Unknown name \"cluster\": Cannot find field.","status":"INVALID_ARGUMENT","details":[{"@type":"type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.BadRequest","fieldViolations":[{"description":"Invalid
JSON payload received. Unknown name \"cluster\": Cannot find field."}]}],"statusMessage":"Bad

The relevant configuration:

- name: my-first-test-cluster-setup
  type: container.v1.cluster
    zone: europe-west1-b
      name: my-first-cluster
      description: My first cluster setup
        - name: my-cluster-node-pool
            machineType: n1-standard-1
          initialNodeCount: 1
            enabled: true
            minNodeCount: 3
            maxNodeCount: 5
            autoUpgrade: true
            autoRepair: true
like image 201
Jeroen Benckhuijsen Avatar asked Jun 13 '17 15:06

Jeroen Benckhuijsen

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1 Answers

It looks like this is a bug in Deployment Manager which means that it is not able to update GKE clusters. The bug is reported here. It has the same strange 'unknown name "cluster"' message that you see.

There is no suggestion on the ticket about workarounds or resolution.

We have seen this same problem when updating a different cluster property.

like image 143
Ben Butler-Cole Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 23:10

Ben Butler-Cole