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Google Chrome: Focus issue with the scrollbar


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How do I fix the scroll bar on Google Chrome?

Open a Chrome window. In the address bar, enter "chrome://flags," and navigate to that page. Scroll down to Overlay Scrollbars, and set the field to "Disabled." Restart your browser window, and your scrollbars should work again in PicMonkey.

How do I fix scroll bar problems?

Click on “Settings” or simply type in chrome://settings/ in the address bar and hit “Enter”. Scroll to the bottom of the page and expand the “Advanced” section. Under the “System” section, disable the “Use hardware acceleration when available” option. Reboot Chrome and check if the problem has been resolved.

Does focus scroll?

An element can be focused by either using the autofocus="true" attribute or calling the element. focus() method. In both cases, the browser will automatically scroll the element into the viewport.

I am using jQuery 1.3.2.

There is an input field in a form. Clicking on the input field opens a div as a dropdown. The div contains a list of items. As the list size is large there is a vertical scrollbar in the div. alt text

To close the dropdown when clicked outside, there is a blur event on the input field.

Now the problem is:

In chrome(2.0.172) when we click on the scrollbar, the input field will loose focus. And now if you click outside, then the dropdown won't close(as the input has already lost focus when you clicked on the srollbar)

In Firefox(3.5), IE(8), opera(9.64), safari() when we click on the scrollbar the input field will not loose focus. Hence when you click outside (after clicking on the srollbar) the dropdown will close. This is the expected behaviour.

So In chrome once the scrollbar is clicked, and then if I click outside the dropdown won't close. How can i fix this issue with chrome.