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Google Chrome device frame is not visible when turned on


I know my question is out of topic, but I will ask anyway. Because I need an answer, I also asked this on Quora.

From this site it shows how to enable the frame.

I want to take a screen shot / even full screen shot of my web app for showcase / use it for reporting. I used Chrome for this.

In the developer's tool there is this option to hide and show the Device Frame. Yet I didn't see it.


As you can see, there is an overflow menu from the right - hide device frame. I already enabled it.

I take a sample screen shot from Angular Material page. As you can see there is no device frame wrapping the web app. Yet I enable the device frame. :(


I thought it will be visible the device frame once the screen shot is done. But what I see is what I get.

Is this a bug? Is there any extension that can perform this operation?

like image 946
RoCk RoCk Avatar asked Jun 21 '18 18:06

RoCk RoCk

People also ask

How do I show the console at the bottom of Chrome?

Change where DevTools is docked by using the Command Menu Or, press Shift + Ctrl + P on Windows/Linux or Command + Shift + P on macOS. Type dock, and then select a dock command: Dock to bottom.

Where is device mode in Chrome?

Toggle Device Mode in Chrome If you've never been inside Developer Tools before, click F12 or open Chrome's menu > More Tools > Developer Tools. To activate device mode, simply click the device icon in the top left corner of the Developer Tools window. Click to the icon to toggle device mode.

2 Answers

I added all the Device type from the settings, and these are the ones with a frame

My Chrome version: 67.0.3396.87


Iphone 5/SE - With orientation but no keyboard & toolbar offered.

Iphone 6/7/8 - With orientation but no keyboard & toolbar offered.

Iphone 6/7/8 Plus - With orientation but no keyboard & toolbar offered.

Nexus 5 - No Frame wrapping, only navigation and status bar. Offers layout orientation keyboard and toolbar (from Chrome Browser)

Nexus 5x - Offers layout orientation keyboard and toolbar (from Chrome Browser)

Nexus 6P - With orientation but no keyboard & toolbar offered.


Ipad - With orientation but no keyboard & toolbar offered.



The rest won't work.

(I've noticed that, it seems that the frame will be downloaded if you are connected to the internet. Especially those mention above)

In this case I was in airplane mode in my laptop and already have the frame, but not the additional components like keyboard and toolbar from Chrome Browser.


I turn the network on. And select again the option


Custom Device
You can add your own custom device, but I doubt the frame will only included base on the brand you choose.

Custom Device

Device Mode - Google Web Dev

In Opera, same as Chrome Developers tool. In Edge. There is no device frame display option.

like image 196
RoCk RoCk Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 12:10

RoCk RoCk

As of Chrome v97.0.4692.71 (Win10):

Devices with frames:

  • Moto G4
  • Nexus 5X
  • Nexus 6P
  • Nest Hub
  • Nest Hub Max
  • iPhone 5/SE
  • iPhone 6/7/8
  • iPhone 6/7/8 Plus
  • iPad

Devices with toolbars (no frame):

  • Nexus 5

Test procedure used:

  1. Toggle Device Toolbar (Ctl+Shift+M) to show device mode
  2. Click the menu on the device toolbar to "Show device frame"
  3. Click the device list menu to select "Edit..."
  4. Manually select every option on the Devices list on the dev panel (since there is no Select All option)
  5. Click the device list menu to set the view to the top-most option
  6. Manually start deselecting each device on the dev panel, starting from the top. When the current selection is deselected, the view automatically shifts to the next device on the list.
  7. Reselect the devices I actually want
like image 33
OXiGEN Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 12:10