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Google AppEngine: custom authentication

The way I can authenticate my users in AppEngine using Google Accounts is simply wonderful.

However, I need to use my custom authentication-login system.

I will have a AppUsers table, with usernames and encrypted passwords.

I read something about sessions on gae, but I need help on starting up my app security.

How can I track my authenticated user session? Setting a cookie?

A beginner.

like image 543
Fabio B. Avatar asked Jul 15 '11 18:07

Fabio B.

People also ask

What type of service is Appengine?

Google App Engine (GAE) is a platform-as-a-service product that provides web app developers and enterprises with access to Google's scalable hosting and tier 1 internet service.

What is GCP Appengine?

App Engine is a fully managed, serverless platform for developing and hosting web applications at scale. You can choose from several popular languages, libraries, and frameworks to develop your apps, and then let App Engine take care of provisioning servers and scaling your app instances based on demand.

How are users authenticated to the Google network?

Identity Platform provides a drop-in, customizable identity and authentication service for user sign-up and sign-in. Identity Platform supports multiple authentication methods (SAML, OIDC, email/password, social, phone, and custom auth) to provide flexible integration options for any identity solution.

1 Answers

You can use cookie to do so... It is really not so hard. You can use cookie to track user's authenticated and store the session key in gae datastore.

There is an example (It just show the basic idea, I don't guarantee the code can be used directly)

The Basic User Table:

# simply add an property to store the session key
class User(db.Model):    
    username = db.StringProperty()
    password = db.StringProperty()
    session = db.StringProperty()

The Login function

# Do the following step:
# 1. make sure user provide correct username and password
# 2. generate a random session key 
# 3. store the session key to datastore
# 4. set the session key and user name in cookie
class LoginAPI( Webapp.RequestHandler ):   
    def get(self):
        username = self.getVar( 'username', username )
        password = self.getVar( 'password', password )

        user = User.all().filter("username = ", username).get()
        password = encrypted_the_password(password) # encrypted your password with your own method!

        if user.password == password:
             # User login successfually
             session = generate_random_session_key() # generate your session key here
             user.session = session

             expires_time = decide_your_expires_time() # decide how long the login session is alive.
             cookie_time_format = "%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT"
             expires_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(expires_time)

             # set cookie as session
             self.response.headers.add_header( "Set-Cookie", "user=%s; expires=%s; path=/" % ( user.username,expires_datetime.strftime( cookie_time_format ) ) )
             self.response.headers.add_header( "Set-Cookie", "session=%s; expires=%s; path=/" % ( user.session, expires_datetime.strftime( cookie_time_format ) ) )
             #User login failed

The logout function

# Remove the previous cookie info 
class LoginAPI( Webapp.RequestHandler ):
        def get(self):
            # remove the cookie
            self.response.headers.add_header( "Set-Cookie", "user=%s; expires=%s; path=/" % ( "",expires_datetime.strftime( cookie_time_format ) ) )
            self.response.headers.add_header( "Set-Cookie", "session=%s; expires=%s; path=/" % ( "", expires_datetime.strftime( cookie_time_format ) ) )

When you required user login

# Get the session info from cookie. If the session info match the info stored in datastore
# Then user authenticate successfully.
class SomePage(Webapp.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        # get cookie info
        username_from_cookie = self.request.cookies.get("user", "")
        session_from_cookie = self.request.cookies.get("session", "")

        if username_from_cookie and session_from_cookie:
            user = User.all().filter("username = ", username_from_cookie).get()
            if user.session == session_from_cookie:
                # the user is login correctly
                # the user is not login
            # the user is not login
like image 102
lucemia Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 21:11
