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Google App Engine Geohashing

I am writing a web application using GWT and App Engine. My application will need to post and query items based on their latitude, longitude.

As a result of google's distributed database design you can't simple query a set of inequalities. Instead they suggest doing geohashing. The method is described on this page.


Essentially you pre compute a bounding box so that you can query items that have been tagged with that bounding box.

There is one part of the process that I don't understand. What does the "slice" attribute mean?

Thanks for your help!

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freakTheMighty Avatar asked Jan 13 '10 20:01


1 Answers

For a complete java portage of Geomodel, please see http://code.google.com/p/javageomodel/.

There is a demo class to explain you how to use it.

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Alexandre Gellibert Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 08:09

Alexandre Gellibert