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Google App Engine and backends: how to configure it on development server?

My configuration of backends.yaml

- name: mybackend
  class: B1
  instances: 1
  options: dynamic

and app.yaml

- url: http://mybackend.myapp.appspot.com
  script: mybackend.py
  login: admin

Running it localy on development server I get this error:

Unable to assign value 'http://mybackend.myapp.appspot.com' to attribute 'url': Value 'http://mybackend.myapp.appspot.com' for url does not match expression '^(?!\^)/|.|((.).*(?!\$).$'

How can I test backend on development server?

like image 445
Petr Felzmann Avatar asked Mar 20 '12 16:03

Petr Felzmann

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Go to the App Engine dashboard on the Google Cloud Platform Console and press the Create button. If you've not created a project before, you'll need to select whether you want to receive email updates or not, agree to the Terms of Service, and then you should be able to continue.

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How is GAE used? GAE is a fully managed, serverless platform that is used to host, build and deploy web applications. Users can create a GAE account, set up a software development kit and write application source code. They can then use GAE to test and deploy the code in the cloud.

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Google App Engine provides four possible runtime environments for applications, one for each of four programming languages: Java, Python, PHP, and Go. The environment you choose depends on the language and related technologies you want to use for developing the application.

1 Answers

I believe the url should be the relative url from your site. The script should be the python function that's run, not the filename. So your app.yaml should be.

- url: /backend
  script: mybackend.myfunction
  login: admin

Your backend and frontend instances share the same handlers, there's no way to distinguish between them.

like image 180
dragonx Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 05:10
