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Google API to send request from android app to google plus

I am developing one android application.

As we all know Facebook SDK provides functionality to send request to other users using Request Dialog.


I referred above link that says how we can send request to other facebook users and in response that request will be shown to the user in their profile as notification.

So my question is, Is there any same kind of API for Google Plus that i can use to send some kind of request from Android Application to Google Plus and same way as facebook my request will be shown to that users Google Plus profile?

I already used Google Plus API and OAuth2.0.

I am new to API Usage if possible then please give me the example too.


I have found the following link which says that it is not working in Google please check out the following link.


Edit :-

Create notification in Google Plus without creating any posts in any profile.

Here the photo is just and example of game.

enter image description here

But in google plus.

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Nirav Kamani Avatar asked Sep 30 '22 20:09

Nirav Kamani

1 Answers

There is no way to post notification like facebook using google API. You can create a app activity using Google+ API that will post on the user's profile without explicit user action.By default its private & hidden. User must have to take share actions to make that visible. App activities are only visible to user because its not posted directly on stream like facebook or twitter. Hence you can not achieve the same result like facebook or twitter.

For posting the application activity you can use Google+ Moments: insert. It needs to get the permission using scope from user. For android sdk use can use Manage app activities in Google

Scopes: https://developers.google.com/+/api/latest/moments/insert https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.login

Using Google App Domain can automatically create a post with visibility limited to the user or circle. For posting the application activity you have to use Activities: insert

Scopes: https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.stream.write https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.me

Conclusion: You have to take a decision to use one of the API based on your requirement. I would suggest play with both the API to check the difference & its limitation in user profile. First try with Google+ Domain API as it will post message on user stream.

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Rajesh Ujade Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 17:10

Rajesh Ujade