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Google Analytics - Unique Pageview vs Visits

Am I correct in assuming that Visits metric only counts how many times a user started session on the given page, and Unique Pageview is the number of users whom viewed the given page?

Given the following scenario, I have two pages on my site: Page A and Page B. Page A contains a link to get to Page B.

If a user starts browsing my website at Page A, Google Analytics will increment Visits and Unique Pageviews on A by 1.

Now if the user were to click on the link to B, will Google Analytics increment both Visits and Unique Pageviews or just Unique Pageviews on B?

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Frison Alexander Avatar asked Nov 04 '22 19:11

Frison Alexander

1 Answers

Am I correct in assuming that ‘Visits’ metric only counts how many times a user started session on the given page, and ‘Unique Pageview’ is the number of users whom viewed the given page?

No, pageview is every time tracking code is executed (or _trackPageview() is called) and unique pageviews is the aggregate pageviews that are generated by the same user during the same session.

  • The difference between AdWords Clicks, and Sessions, Users, Entrances, Pageviews, and Unique Pageviews in Analytics
  • How a session is defined in Analytics
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Anthony Hatzopoulos Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 09:11

Anthony Hatzopoulos