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Google Analytics shows real time visitors but reflects 0 visitors historically

In my Google Analytics account, I can see data (like pageviews, visitors) in my real time stream, but all of the non-real time data (Standard Reporting) shows 0 pageviews, 0 visitors ever.

Has anyone else had this problem or know of a possible issue/solution?

Thanks in advance.

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dchang Avatar asked Oct 19 '12 00:10


People also ask

Why is Google Analytics showing 0 visits?

No Sessions or Abnormally Low Sessions Your site has actually gotten no traffic. The Google Analytics tracking code is not installed on your site. The tracking code is installed improperly. The wrong Google Analytics code is installed.

Is Google Analytics real-time accurate?

Due to some users choosing not to be tracked or blocking cookies, Google Analytics can't measure 100% of visitors. But when set up correctly, GA measures over 95% of genuine visitors (as opposed to web scrapers and bots).

How does Google Analytics count real-time users?

How Google counts visitors. Google's real-time stats counts new page views as visitor activity, checking every 5 minutes or so to see if the visitor is still online. So if a visitor leaves immediately, Google real-time won't know for 5 minutes.

How does Google Analytics identify returning visitors?

Google's tracking snippet, which detects browser cookies, will identify a 'returning user' if a cookie is present, and a 'new user' if a cookie is not present.

2 Answers

Data in Standard Reporting can take up to 24 hours to display.

According to Google, site statistics update every 24 hours, but the company doesn't specifically state how long it takes to update other information that may be associated with your Google Analytics account. For example, you may also be using Google's AdWords to purchase text-based advertising on other sites. Professionals such as Internet marketing consultant Talal Melhem suggest that traffic data updates every three to four hours, AdWords can take up to 24 hours and E-commerce data in your Google Analytics dashboard lags further behind at up to 72 hours. -- Source: How Frequently Does Google Analytics Update?

Also, check your Profile Filters to make sure you're not excluding traffic per @Eduardo.

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TomFuertes Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 18:10


There can be a number of reasons for this.

I'm actually investigating a case right now, probably down to the use of GA for analysing application usage. I am seeing real time traffic, but a much reduced traffic set is stored historically.

So far I have:

  • Changed User-Agent to something custom
  • Removed the domain from the referral exclusion list
  • Changed all requests to plain Page Views without customisation of (e.g.) source, medium and the like

Not worked it out yet, will update this when I do!

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Dan Gravell Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 18:10

Dan Gravell