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Google Analytics says the source of most of my visitors is social-buttons.com. How are these visitors finding my site?

I'm not a really advanced Analytics user, so I've been trying to Google this, but haven't come up with a great answer. My analytics says 95% of my site visits to my blog today have come from site38.social-buttons.com and yesterday it was another subdomain of the same site. I visited social-buttons.com, but am unfamiliar with it, and have never deliberately put that code into my Wordpress site. I do have some plug-ins installed, which are "Subscribe / Connect / Follow Widget", which displays my social media links, and also "Really simple Facebook Twitter share buttons", which puts the like links on my posts.

My questions are, how are people finding my site through social-buttons.com? And are these quality hits?

Thanks, I appreciate any info!

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lisaj_ Avatar asked Mar 24 '15 22:03


People also ask

How does Google Analytics identify that a visit or session is from a return visitor return user )?

When someone views your website, Google's tracking snippet looks for a tracking cookie on their device: If the cookie is not present, Google creates one and considers this a 'new' user. If the cookie is present, Google considers this a 'returning' user and starts a new session.

How do I see how many visitors a website has in Google Analytics?

In Analytics, click on Audience in the top left of the page and then on Overview. The graph at the top will show users / unique visitors over the last 30 days. Another imortant metric there is “sessions”, formerly known as visits. It is the number of times a user or unique visitor comes to a site.

2 Answers

This kind of visits are called Ghost Referrer Spam since they never reach your site. They use a GA weakness to make a fake visit and get a record in your data.

They do it to get traffic, people get curious to see who is visiting them and click on the link.

This specific Referrer Spam is nasty because it make multiple visits at the same time, is related to the number of the subdomain so if it says site38... it hits with 38 visits, I've also have many of these, here is a screenshot I took:

enter image description here

In my case is a different simple-share-buttons.com but is the same thing.

The easiest way to stop it is by making a filter for each spammer in your GA. Check this article to find more detailed information http://www.ohow.co/block-social-buttons-simple-share-buttons-referral/

As an alternative, you can make a more general filter to take care once and for all of all the Spammers by making a list of Valid Hostnames, this is more advanced and you have to be more careful. You can find more information about this solution here https://stackoverflow.com/a/28354319/3197362

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Carlos Escalera Alonso Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09

Carlos Escalera Alonso

It's actually referral spam. Take a look at this https://www.mooresoftwareservices.com/Web-Commerce/social-buttons-com-referrer-spam

So unfortunately they are not good quality hits.

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cnorthfield Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09
