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Good Training Sources for OOP PHP, Anyone?




I will like to see if everybody could share any good training sources on OOP on PHP language.

Good Training Sources for OOP (Object Oriented Programming) PHP, anyone ?

I've seen numerous tutorials, mostly superficial, some of them bad.

Please share anything good either commercial or free, Video or Written.

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Codex73 Avatar asked Oct 13 '09 00:10


People also ask

Should I learn OOP in PHP?

OOP is faster and easier to execute. OOP provides a clear structure for the programs. OOP helps to keep the PHP code DRY "Don't Repeat Yourself", and makes the code easier to maintain, modify and debug. OOP makes it possible to create full reusable applications with less code and shorter development time.

Is PHP OOP hard?

Learning PHP OOP from procedural programming is a bit tricky for me. I almost gave up but the demand for reusability kept me going. The concept of class and object seemed difficult for me, but after many attempts and approaches, I was able to get the concepts and the implementation.

4 Answers

I love the PHP Manual's guide to OOP. It's to the point and has many examples.

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Ólafur Waage Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 16:10

Ólafur Waage

This is your absolute best bet, in my opinion. The documentation here includes both technical explanation as well as useful examples and plain-english wording.


Keep in mind however that PHP OOP is still in relative infancy, and there will no doubt be many things that are confusing to other OOP implementations.

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dreadwail Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 14:10


Lynda.com have a good video course:

Lynda - PHP with MySQL Beyond the Basics


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prip Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 14:10


It's a bit more on the advanced side of OOP, since it's about design patterns, but I really like Martin Fowler's Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (http://www.amazon.com/Patterns-Enterprise-Application-Architecture-Martin/dp/0321127420/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1255402272&sr=1-1). And you can never go wrong with the Gang of Four's pattern book (http://www.amazon.com/Design-Patterns-Elements-Reusable-Object-Oriented/dp/0201633612/)

The nice thing about learning patterns is that they're language agnostic. Learn a pattern, use it in (almost) any language :)

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Steven Mercatante Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 15:10

Steven Mercatante