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Good tool to manage ssh tunnels on OSX [closed]





I'm looking for a good tool to manage ssh tunnels. Currently I'm using SSHTunnel (cocoa-sshtunnel) but its not very secure, if you look at a ps while connected you see the password in plaintext. And there is no way to configure a private key file per connection.

I also tried STM (http://projects.tynsoe.org/en/stm/index.php) however you cannot save your passwords, and also no private key option.

I'm working on osx Snow Leopard. I use the tunnels for Remote port forwarding. I have a local SVN server for website development, and checkout remotely. I cannot forward ports as I don't have access to the router.

What tools do you use?

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Paul Jacobse Avatar asked Oct 11 '22 04:10

Paul Jacobse

3 Answers

SSH Tunnel Manager - This tool is great!

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timbrown Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10


you should use the console and normal ssh for tunneling, at least thats what i always do. here a small introduction on how to use it. password saving is indeed something that doesn't work there but i always used keys anyway so you don't have to enter a password anymore

ssh tunnel from console:


login with authkeys:


this is both for linux and bsd but should work on mac os too, i remember using it there maybe some option has another shortcut, if it doesn't work look at man ssh


if you need a gui (comment) try jellyfissh seems it can do what you need


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Xtroce Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10


I wrote my own tool for this, Tunnel Boring Machine. It doesn't store passwords, but it works fine with SSH keys in ~/.ssh, which is how I use it.

It's possible that I'll get around to password storage at some point -- if you end up finding that TBM works for you but is missing some key feature like password storage, feel free to file an issue on GitHub, or, for that matter, implement it and send me a pull request.

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Geoffrey Wiseman Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10

Geoffrey Wiseman