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Good Resource for Embedding Weather Forecasts




I would like to add a 5-10 day weather forecast to a website. I'm having trouble finding a website that provides an embed code for forecasts. The few I've found look awful (circa 1990's). I was just wondering if there was a halfway clean-looking solution that I might be overlooking in my endless Google searches. Flash, iframe, anything...

I'm realizing that pulling in a weather RSS Feed might be the only clean solution, but I am not very familiar with parsing RSS feeds, so it will require a lot of labor on my end, since I'll be digging through documentation.

**I should also mention that this weather app is on it's own page. So, bigger is better. If I don't find one big enough, I'll just implement it into a floating window (jQuery Overlay, to be exact) instead of it's own page.

like image 584
Mike McLin Avatar asked Dec 08 '22 07:12

Mike McLin

1 Answers

Forecast.io offers a very slick weekly forecast embed solution. You can also customize the colors and fonts to match your site if you like. It's fixed height, variable width.

like image 185
Nick Walker Avatar answered Mar 19 '23 17:03

Nick Walker