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Good python XML parser to work with namespace heavy documents


Python elementTree seems unusable with namespaces. What are my alternatives? BeautifulSoup is pretty rubbish with namespaces too. I don't want to strip them out.

Examples of how a particular python library gets namespaced elements and their collections are all +1.

Edit: Could you provide code to deal with this real world use-case using your library of choice?

How would you go about getting strings 'Line Break', '2.6' and a list ['PYTHON', 'XML', 'XML-NAMESPACES']

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                <srw_dc:dc xmlns:srw_dc="info:srw/schema/1/dc-schema">
                    <name>Line Break</name>
                    <dc:title>Processing XML namespaces using Python</dc:title>
                    <dc:description>How to get contents string from an element,
                        how to get a collection in a list...</dc:description>
        <!-- ... more records ... -->