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Good practice for disambiguating argument names versus instance variable names in Objective-C

I run into a fairly common scenario in Objective-C where I pass in a variable to an init method and then want to assign it to an instance variable of the same name. However I have not found a way to scope the variables to clarify which is the value from the message argument and which is the instance variable.

Say I have some class such as the following:

@interface MyObject
    NSString *value;
- (id)initWithValue:(NSString *)value;

In my implementation I want my init method to look something like this:

- (id)initWithValue:(NSString *)value
    self = [super init];
    if(self) {
        self.value = value;  // This will not work with instance variables

I know of three solutions:

  1. Create a property, which allows calling self.value
  2. Rename my instance variable, such as _value
  3. Rename my init argument variable, such as initValue or argValue

I am not pleased with any of these solutions. Adding a property either makes the property publicly available on the interface or, if I use an extension, hides it from inheritors. I also do not like having different names for the variables or using an underscore, which perhaps comes from developing in other languages such as Java and C#.

Is there a way to disambiguate instance variables from message arguments? If not, is there a coding guideline in Cocoa for how to solve this problem? I like following style guidelines when appropriate.


After thinking about how to do this in C, I came up with the solution of self->value. This works, but it produces a compiler warning that the Local declaration of 'value' hides instance variable. So this is not a satisfactory solution either since I have a zero-warning goal.

like image 789
David V Avatar asked Jan 05 '12 18:01

David V

3 Answers

For setters (and by extension initializers), I believe the convention is to prefix the parameter name with new:

- (void)setCrunk:(Crunk *)newCrunk;
- (id)initWithCrunk:(Crunk *)newCrunk;

In general, I think the most common form I've seen is to call the parameter theCrunk, but Apple seems to recommend aCrunk.

like image 132
jscs Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 02:10


And changing the name to "inValue" is not a good idea? What you have here - your 'solution' is complex, especially with the accessors, etc of Obj-C 2. Since self.value and inValue are different things, they need different names.

Note that you can use


in the header



in the .m file.

like image 30
Tom Andersen Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 02:10

Tom Andersen

If you use only 1 the compiler will give you a warning.

You can combine 1 & 2 by using :

@synthesize value = _value;

If you want to hide your variable from the inheritors you can declare a empty named category and declare your property there.

For 3 you can use aValue for your argument.

like image 2
Stefan Ticu Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10

Stefan Ticu