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Golang: Passing in Slice as Reference issue





I'm trying to write a program that counts inversions within an array, but my array is not being sorted properly due to reference issues and thus messes up my count even though I thought slices were passed by reference in Golang.

Here is my code:

package main

import (

func InversionCount(a []int) int {
    if len(a) <= 1 {
        return 0
    mid := len(a) / 2
    left := a[:mid]
    right := a[mid:]
    leftCount := InversionCount(left) //not being sorted properly due to reference issues 
    rightCount := InversionCount(right) //not being sorted properly due to reference issues

    res := make([]int, 0, len(right)+len(left)) //temp slice to hold the sorted left side and right side

    iCount := mergeCount(left, right, &res)

    a = res        //assigns the original slice with the temp slice values
    fmt.Println(a) //a in the end is not sorted properly for most cases 
    return iCount + leftCount + rightCount

    func mergeCount(left, right []int, res *[]int) int {
        count := 0

        for len(left) > 0 || len(right) > 0 {
            if len(left) == 0 {
                *res = append(*res, right...)
            if len(right) == 0 {
                *res = append(*res, left...)
        if left[0] <= right[0] {
            *res = append(*res, left[0])
            left = left[1:]
        } else { //Inversion has been found
            count += len(left)
            *res = append(*res, right[0])
            right = right[1:]

    return count

func main() {
    test := []int{4,2,3,1,5}

What would be the best possible way to solve this problem? I have tried to do something similar to what I did to the res array by forcing the mergeCountfunction to take in a reference of the array, but it seems very messy and it will give me errors.

like image 706
freetoplay Avatar asked Aug 16 '14 04:08


People also ask

Does Golang pass slice by reference?

When we pass a slice to a function as an argument the values of the slice are passed by reference (since we pass a copy of the pointer), but all the metadata describing the slice itself are just copies.

How do you pass a slice as an argument in Golang?

In Go language, you are allowed to pass a slice to a function, means the function gets the copy of the slice. Explanation: In the above example, we have a slice named as slc. This slice is passed in the myfun() function.

Is Go pass by value or reference?

pass by value explained. The above types, in addition to arrays, are passed by value. This means that when the variable is passed to the function, Go actually sends a copy of the value to the function. This means that if you modify that argument in the function, the caller will not see that change.

Are slices pointers?

Slices are pointers to arrays, with the length of the segment, and its capacity. They behave as pointers, and assigning their value to another slice, will assign the memory address.

2 Answers

You either have to pass a pointer to your slice like:

func InversionCount(a *[]int) int {
    if len(*a) <= 1 {
        return 0
    mid := len(*a) / 2
    left := (*a)[:mid]
    right := (*a)[mid:]
    leftCount := InversionCount(&left)   //not being sorted properly due to reference issues
    rightCount := InversionCount(&right) //not being sorted properly due to reference issues

    res := make([]int, 0, len(right)+len(left)) //temp slice to hold the sorted left side and right side

    iCount := mergeCount(left, right, &res)

    *a = res
    fmt.Println(a) //a in the end is not sorted properly for most cases
    return iCount + leftCount + rightCount


Or use copy and change a = res to copy(a, res).


like image 108
OneOfOne Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09


Rather than mutate the slices, I'd just have the functions return the slices obtained during the merge step.

Here's code in that form, including some unit-test-like code which compares the efficient version with a naive O(N^2) count.

package main

import "fmt"

// Inversions returns the input sorted, and the number of inversions found.
func Inversions(a []int) ([]int, int) {
    if len(a) <= 1 {
        return a, 0
    left, lc := Inversions(a[:len(a)/2])
    right, rc := Inversions(a[len(a)/2:])
    merge, mc := mergeCount(left, right)
    return merge, lc + rc + mc

func mergeCount(left, right []int) ([]int, int) {
    res := make([]int, 0, len(left)+len(right))
    n := 0
    for len(left) > 0 && len(right) > 0 {
        if left[0] >= right[0] {
            res = append(res, left[0])
            left = left[1:]
        } else {
            res = append(res, right[0])
            right = right[1:]
            n += len(left)
    return append(append(res, left...), right...), n

func dumbInversions(a []int) int {
    n := 0
    for i := range a {
        for j := i + 1; j < len(a); j++ {
            if a[i] < a[j] {
    return n

func main() {
    cases := [][]int{
        {1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
        {2, 1, 3, 4, 5},
        {5, 4, 3, 2, 1},
        {2, 2, 1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 1, 1},
    for _, c := range cases {
        want := dumbInversions(c)
        _, got := Inversions(c)
        if want != got {
            fmt.Printf("Inversions(%v)=%d, want %d\n", c, got, want)
like image 20
Paul Hankin Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 16:09

Paul Hankin