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Go-Scala-Go! What are the main differences?


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Which is better Scala or Golang?

When it comes to choosing between Go or Scala as a beginner language, the vote is unanimous for Golang due to its emphasis on simplicity and power. Go is known for its incredibly clean code, which makes it easy to learn and quick to program – so you can start coding right away.

What is the difference between Go and Golang?

Go (also called Golang or Go language) is an open source programming language used for general purpose. Go was developed by Google engineers to create dependable and efficient software. Most similarly modeled after C, Go is statically typed and explicit.

Is Scala faster than Golang?

For microservices, stateless applications and containerized applications, GO will be faster and cheaper which is a huge advantage. In general, if cost is important to you, GO will take the upper hand. For complex applications, monolith, stateful processing, Scala is a better option.

What is special about Go?

Go is a really simple language to understand. It allows new programmers to pick up the language quickly, and it allows experienced programmers to quickly understand someone else's code. And Go's fast: if you're coming from an interpreted language like PHP, Python, or Ruby, it's almost night-and-day.

I just found this web page comparing some code written in Scala, C# and Go. I am astonished to see how close Scala and Go code looks like, much more than Scala code compared to C# code.

So my question is: What are the most significant differences between Scala and Go?