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Go: how to check if a string contains multiple substrings?




strings.Contains(str_to_check, substr) takes only one argument as the substring to check, how do I check multiple substrings without using strings.Contains() repeatedly?

eg. strings.Contains(str_to_check, substr1, substr2)

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jm33_m0 Avatar asked Nov 06 '17 07:11


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2 Answers

You can write your own utility function using strings.Contains() that can work for multiple sub-strings.

Here's an example that returns Boolean (true/false) in case of complete / partial match and the total number of matches:

package main

import (

func checkSubstrings(str string, subs ...string) (bool, int) {

    matches := 0
    isCompleteMatch := true

    fmt.Printf("String: \"%s\", Substrings: %s\n", str, subs)

    for _, sub := range subs {
        if strings.Contains(str, sub) {
            matches += 1
        } else {
            isCompleteMatch = false

    return isCompleteMatch, matches

func main() {
    isCompleteMatch1, matches1 := checkSubstrings("Hello abc, xyz, abc", "abc", "xyz")
    fmt.Printf("Test 1: { isCompleteMatch: %t, Matches: %d }\n", isCompleteMatch1, matches1)


    isCompleteMatch2, matches2 := checkSubstrings("Hello abc, abc", "abc", "xyz")
    fmt.Printf("Test 2: { isCompleteMatch: %t, Matches: %d }\n", isCompleteMatch2, matches2)


String: "Hello abc, xyz, abc", Substrings: [abc xyz]
Test 1: { isCompleteMatch: true, Matches: 2 }

String: "Hello abc, abc", Substrings: [abc xyz]
Test 2: { isCompleteMatch: false, Matches: 1 }

Here's the live example: https://play.golang.org/p/Xka0KfBrRD

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Azeem Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 01:10


Yes, you can do this without calling strings.Contains() multiple times.

If you know substrings in advance the easiest way to check this with regular expression. And if a string to check is long and you have quite a few substrings it can be more fast then calling multiple strings.Contains

Example https://play.golang.org/p/7PokxbOOo7:

package main

import (

var re = regexp.MustCompile(`first|second|third`)

func main() {
    fmt.Println(re.MatchString("This is the first example"))
    fmt.Println(re.MatchString("This is the second example after first"))
    fmt.Println(re.MatchString("This is the third example"))
    fmt.Println(re.MatchString("This is the forth example"))



If the subs to check are dynamic it may be a bit more difficult to create regex as you need to escape special characters and regex compilation is not fast so strings.Contains() may be better in this case though it's better test if your code is performance critical.

Another good option could be to write your own scanner that can leverage common prefixes in substrings (if any) using prefix tree.

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Alexander Trakhimenok Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 23:10

Alexander Trakhimenok