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go build with multiple tags





As seen here, go build accepts a "tags" flag that will include files that are "tagged," i.e.

// +build foo

package main


will be excluded from

go build

but included in

go build -tags=foo

Is there a way to include multiple tags? I.e.

go build -tags=foo && bar
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ryebread Avatar asked Oct 06 '16 22:10


People also ask

What are build tags in go?

Developer and author at DigitalOcean. In Go, a build tag, or a build constraint, is an identifier added to a piece of code that determines when the file should be included in a package during the build process.

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So if you want to run the test only for the build tags func_test then you need to provide a different tag for the other tests. Here is an example: I have following 2 test files in my test directory.

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// ReleaseTags defaults to the list of Go releases the current release is compatible with. // BuildTags is not set for the Default build Context. // In addition to the BuildTags, ToolTags, and ReleaseTags, build constraints // consider the values of GOARCH and GOOS as satisfied tags.

How to include code in the compiled source using go build?

When running the go build command, we can use the -tags flag to conditionally include code in the compiled source by adding the tag itself as an argument. Let’s do this for the pro tag: Now we only get the extra features when we build the application using the pro build tag.

2 Answers

Multiple tags can be included in a space separated list:

go build -tags="foo bar"
like image 125
Tim Cooper Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 22:09

Tim Cooper

You should prefer including multiple tags in a comma separated list:

go build -tags=a,b

From Go 1.13 release notes:

The go build flag -tags now takes a comma-separated list of build tags, to allow for multiple tags in GOFLAGS. The space-separated form is deprecated but still recognized and will be maintained.

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AlexLiesenfeld Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 22:09
