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Gnu autotools missing file depcomp

I'm trying to write a program that builds with autotools, however I have run into a problem when I try to make it. Automake seems to rely on a file called depcomp. I was wondering what this file does, and what I should fill it with/how I should make it.

like image 967
jepugs Avatar asked Nov 10 '12 14:11


People also ask

What is Autotools configure?

Autotools configurationThis file is used by autoconf to create the configure shell script that users run before building. The file must contain, at the very least, the AC_INIT and AC_OUTPUT M4 macros.

How does Autoconf work?

Autoconf essentially runs the preprocessor on your script to produce a portable shell script which will perform all the requisite tests, produce handy log files, preprocess template files, for example to generate Makefile from Makefile.in and and take a standard set of command line arguments.

1 Answers

depcomp is installed by Automake itself when you run automake --install (or better, when you run autoreconf -vfi). It is used to keep track of the dependencies as a side-effect of compilation.

like image 116
adl Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 06:10
