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GMOCK - how to modify the method arguments when return type is void




I have a class which accepts a pointer to another class and has a method read():

class B:
void read(char * str);

class A
A(B *bobj):b(bobj);
B* b;
void read (char * str);

I invoke the object like below

A * aobj = new A(new B());

Now I should be able to access read method of both the classes like below:

char text[100];

The method read of both A and B class is coded to copy some values to the input array as provided.

How can I write MOCK method of the function to modify the argument to a specific value?

ON_CALL(*b, read(::testing::_)).WillByDefault(::testing::Return(outBuffer));

Gives me a compilation issue as read method cannot return a value by definition?

like image 639
Programmer Avatar asked Sep 07 '17 09:09


1 Answers

I have used Invoke function to achieve this. Here is a sample code.

If you use >=c++11 then, you can simply give a lambda to the Invoke function.

#include <gtest/gtest.h>                                                                                                                                                                                             
#include <gmock/gmock.h>

using ::testing::Mock;
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::Invoke;

class actual_reader
   virtual void read(char* data)
      std::cout << "This should not be called" << std::endl;
void mock_read_function(char* str)
   strcpy(str, "Mocked text");

class class_under_test
      void read(actual_reader* obj, char *str)

class mock_reader : public actual_reader
   MOCK_METHOD1(read, void(char* str));

TEST(test_class_under_test, test_read)
   char text[100];

   mock_reader mock_obj;
   class_under_test cut;

   EXPECT_CALL(mock_obj, read(_)).WillOnce(Invoke(mock_read_function));
   cut.read(&mock_obj, text);
   std::cout << "Output : " << text << std::endl;

   // Lambda example
   EXPECT_CALL(mock_obj, read(_)).WillOnce(Invoke(
            [=](char* str){
               strcpy(str, "Mocked text(lambda)");
   cut.read(&mock_obj, text);
   std::cout << "Output : " << text << std::endl;

like image 124
Sam Daniel Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10

Sam Daniel