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GLYPHICONS - bootstrap icon font hex value

I'd like to use Glyphicons icon font and I would need the hex value of each icon. I can't seem to find any resources on this on the Bootstrap website nor the Glyphicons website. I'd like to know how to embed it into a project and use it?

Note: I want to use Glyphicons icon-font NOT png icons.

I'm using Bootstrap 2.3.2

like image 996
Hamed mayahian Avatar asked Nov 02 '13 09:11

Hamed mayahian

People also ask

How do I style Bootstrap icons?

How to Resize Bootstrap Icons in CSS and HTML? To resize web fonts, use the CSS 'font-size' attribute. font-size can be added in style tag in html or apply css selector to add the styles. Change width=“32” and height=“32” to SVG tag in html.

How do I change the color of my Glyphicon icon?

Approach: First, we need to assign the id attribute to the particular glyphicon which you need to customize by using CSS. We can apply the color property to the particular id and change the icon color by using a hex value or normal color. The id is an attribute that is used to access the whole tag.

Can I use Glyphicons in Bootstrap 4?

Bootstrap 4 does not have its own icon library (Glyphicons from Bootstrap 3 are not supported in BS4). However, there are many free icon libraries to choose from, such as Font Awesome and Google Material Design Icons.

What can I use instead of Glyphicons?

Free Alternatives to Glyphicons You can use both Font Awesome and Github Octicons as a free alternative for Glyphicons.

2 Answers

We can find these by looking at Bootstrap's stylesheet, Bootstrap.css. Each \{number} represents a hexadecimal value, so \2a is equal to 0x2a or *.

As for the font, that can be downloaded from http://glyphicons.com.

.glyphicon-asterisk:before {   content: "\2a"; }  .glyphicon-plus:before {   content: "\2b"; }  .glyphicon-euro:before {   content: "\20ac"; }  .glyphicon-minus:before {   content: "\2212"; }  .glyphicon-cloud:before {   content: "\2601"; }  .glyphicon-envelope:before {   content: "\2709"; }  .glyphicon-pencil:before {   content: "\270f"; }  .glyphicon-glass:before {   content: "\e001"; }  .glyphicon-music:before {   content: "\e002"; }  .glyphicon-search:before {   content: "\e003"; }  .glyphicon-heart:before {   content: "\e005"; }  .glyphicon-star:before {   content: "\e006"; }  .glyphicon-star-empty:before {   content: "\e007"; }  .glyphicon-user:before {   content: "\e008"; }  .glyphicon-film:before {   content: "\e009"; }  .glyphicon-th-large:before {   content: "\e010"; }  .glyphicon-th:before {   content: "\e011"; }  .glyphicon-th-list:before {   content: "\e012"; }  .glyphicon-ok:before {   content: "\e013"; }  .glyphicon-remove:before {   content: "\e014"; }  .glyphicon-zoom-in:before {   content: "\e015"; }  .glyphicon-zoom-out:before {   content: "\e016"; }  .glyphicon-off:before {   content: "\e017"; }  .glyphicon-signal:before {   content: "\e018"; }  .glyphicon-cog:before {   content: "\e019"; }  .glyphicon-trash:before {   content: "\e020"; }  .glyphicon-home:before {   content: "\e021"; }  .glyphicon-file:before {   content: "\e022"; }  .glyphicon-time:before {   content: "\e023"; }  .glyphicon-road:before {   content: "\e024"; }  .glyphicon-download-alt:before {   content: "\e025"; }  .glyphicon-download:before {   content: "\e026"; }  .glyphicon-upload:before {   content: "\e027"; }  .glyphicon-inbox:before {   content: "\e028"; }  .glyphicon-play-circle:before {   content: "\e029"; }  .glyphicon-repeat:before {   content: "\e030"; }  .glyphicon-refresh:before {   content: "\e031"; }  .glyphicon-list-alt:before {   content: "\e032"; }  .glyphicon-lock:before {   content: "\e033"; }  .glyphicon-flag:before {   content: "\e034"; }  .glyphicon-headphones:before {   content: "\e035"; 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}  .glyphicon-cloud-download:before {   content: "\e197"; }  .glyphicon-cloud-upload:before {   content: "\e198"; }  .glyphicon-tree-conifer:before {   content: "\e199"; }  .glyphicon-tree-deciduous:before {   content: "\e200"; } 
like image 119
James Donnelly Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 07:10

James Donnelly

Do you mean these hex values?

.glyphicon-asterisk:before{content:"\2a";} .glyphicon-plus:before{content:"\2b";} .glyphicon-euro:before{content:"\20ac";} ... 

You can find these in glyphicons.css here:


(If you only want to know the Glyphicons classes: http://getbootstrap.com/components/#glyphicons)

like image 22
Elias Kuiter Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 06:10

Elias Kuiter