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Global styles for FontImageSource property

I have following button in my Xamarin Forms application

            <FontImageSource Glyph="&#xF072;" FontFamily="{StaticResource IconFont}" Color="{StaticResource BaseColor}"/>

where IconFont is:

    <OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="x:String" x:Key="IconFont">
        <On Platform="Android" Value="materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf#Material design" />
        <On Platform="iOS" Value="Material Design Icons" />

Everything is working fine. Now, because all of my icons are in materialdesignicons-webfont and I will never use different icons I decided to move entire styling to App.xaml. I would like to set default properties like that:

    <Style TargetType="FontImageSource">
        <Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="{StaticResource IconFont}" />
        <Setter Property="Color" Value="{StaticResource BaseColor}" />

And use button by passing glyph only.

            <FontImageSource Glyph="&#xF072;"/>
  1. For some reasons Icon is not rendered without specifying FontFamily and Color directly in FontImageSource. Am I missing something?

  2. Is there some way to call my button in simpler way? F.e.

        MDGlyph="&#xF072;" />
like image 1000
Adam Mrozek Avatar asked Nov 03 '19 17:11

Adam Mrozek

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Is it possible to style a fontimagesource icon?

For some reasons Icon is not rendered without specifying FontFamily and Color directly in FontImageSource. Am I missing something? Is there some way to call my button in simpler way? F.e. <Button Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="0" MDGlyph="" /> Unfortunately it is not possible to style a FontImageSource currently.

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Create a global style in XAML. By default, all Xamarin.Forms applications created from a template use the App class to implement the Application subclass. To declare a Style at the application level, in the application's ResourceDictionary using XAML, the default App class must be replaced with a XAML App class and associated code-behind.

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2 Answers

Unfortunately it is not possible to style a FontImageSource currently. However, there is a github issue requesting this capability.

like image 64
John Cummings Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10

John Cummings

have you tried this:

    <Style x:Key="ButtonWithFontImageSource" TargetType="Button">
       <Setter Property="ImageSource">
                FontFamily="{StaticResource FontIcons}"
                Glyph="{DynamicResource IconText}">
like image 43
Jonathan Vinícius Suter Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 14:10

Jonathan Vinícius Suter