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Global request/response interceptor



What would be the easiest way to setup a request/response interceptor in ServiceStack that would execute for a particular service?

A request filter (IHasRequestFilter) works fine but a response filter (IHasResponseFilter) is not triggered if the service returns non 2xx status code. I need to retrieve the status code returned by the method as well as the response DTO (if any).

A custom ServiceRunner and overriding the OnBeforeExecute and OnAfterExecute methods seems to work fine but I find it pretty intrusive as the service runner need to be replaced for the entire application and I couldn't find a way clean way to isolate per functionality the tasks that need to be executed in those methods.

Is there some extension point in ServiceStack that I am missing that would allow me to execute some code before each service method and after each service method? A plugin would be ideal but how can I subscribe to some fictitious BeforeExecute and AfterExecute methods that would allow me to run some custom code?


Just after posting the question I found out that global response filters are executed no matter what status code is returned by the service which is exactly what I needed. So one last question: Is it possible to retrieve the service type that will handle the request in a request filter? I need to check whether this service is decorated by some custom marker attribute.

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Darin Dimitrov Avatar asked Jul 08 '13 12:07

Darin Dimitrov

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1 Answers

I have found out a solution to my question about how to retrieve the service type in a custom request/response filter:

appHost.RequestFilters.Add((req, res, requestDto) =>
    var metadata = EndpointHost.Metadata;
    Type serviceType = metadata.GetServiceTypeByRequest(requestDto.GetType());

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Darin Dimitrov Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09

Darin Dimitrov