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glob php - return all types of images from directory [duplicate]


I have a php function to grab images from a folder for a carousel and build the carousel on those images. I have a thumbnail folder and a main img folder.

My question is, how can I modify this code or what to add in order to recognise more image file types and not only jpg. I want to support png, gif and jpg.

My code is below:

<?php $thumbs = glob("img/thumb/*.jpg"); ?>     <?php     if(count($thumbs)) {       natcasesort($thumbs);       foreach($thumbs as $thumb) {       ?>           <li class="item">               <a class="fancybox" rel="gallery1" href="img/large/<?php echo basename($thumb) ?>">                   <img src="<?php echo $thumb ?>" width="100%" alt="" />               </a>           </li>       <?php         }} else {           echo "Sorry, no images to display!";         }     ?>