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glibc: elf file OS ABI invalid

downloaded and compiled glibc-2.13. when i try to run a sample C program which does a malloc(). I get following error elf file OS ABI invalid

Can anybody please pass my any pointer helpful in resolving this issue.Please note that my kernel version is linux-

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Kapil Avatar asked Oct 04 '11 12:10


4 Answers

It's not your kernel version that's the problem.

The loader on your system does not support the new Linux ABI. Until relatively recently, Linux ELF binaries used the System V ABI. Recently, in support of STT_GNU_IFUNC, the Linux ABI was added. You would have to update your system C library to have a loader that support STT_GNU_IFUNC, and then it will also recognize ELF objects with the Linux ABI type.

See Dave Miller's blog entry on STT_GNU_IFUNC for Sparc (archived) to gain an understanding of what STT_GNU_IFUNC does, if you care.

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mkj Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 17:11


If you get your hands in the loader from a newer system, you might be able to make it work using that. But you'll have to carry the loader wherever your program go. You can either compile your program to use that loader as explained here, or compile your program and patch it later using patchelf, in a way similar to what I mention here. I was able to run a program that was giving me the OS ABI invalid error on a linux 2.6.18 (older than yours) that had ld-2.5.so, by copying a ld-2.15.so from somewhere else.

NOTE: do NOT overwrite your system ld*.so or ld-linux. ;-/

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msb Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 17:11


It is possible your glibc was built with the --enable-multiarch flag that forced using ifunc and new LINUX ABI

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cyberzx Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 15:11


From what I can tell is that --enable-multiarch is the default setting and you should disable it by setting --enable-multiarch=no.

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Oliver R. Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 15:11

Oliver R.