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*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid next size (normal): 0x0a03c978 *** [duplicate]






I'm writing a socket program to download images. The problem is that when I test my code on small pics like gif it works fine. But when I run it with JPG pics (bigger than GIF) I got the error message:

*** glibc detected *** /home/ubuntu/NetBeansProjects/myDownloader/dist/Debug/GNU-Linux-x86/mydownloader: free(): invalid next size (normal): 0x0a03c978 ***

Please see the code and I'll give more information about the error.

FILE* pFile;
long lSize;
unsigned char* buffer;
size_t result;
FILE* combinedFile = fopen("mypic.jpg", "wb+");

for(i = 1; i <= numberOfPartitions; i++)
    sprintf(filename, "part%d", i);
    pFile = fopen(filename, "rb");

    //obtain file size
    fseek(pFile , 0 , SEEK_END);
    lSize = ftell(pFile);

    // allocate memory to contain the whole file:
    buffer = (unsigned char*) malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * (lSize + 1));

    if(buffer == NULL)
        fputs("Memory error", stderr);

    // copy the file into the buffer:
    result = fread(buffer, 1, lSize, pFile);

    if(result != lSize)
        fputs("Reading error", stderr);
        unsigned char* temp = strstr(buffer, "\r\n\r\n");

        temp = temp + 4;
        int len = lSize - (temp - buffer);

        //printf("i :  %d len is : %d plen is %f\n",i,len,pLen);
        if(i != numberOfPartitions)
            fwrite(temp, 1, len - 1, combinedFile);
            fwrite(temp, 1, len, combinedFile);

    printf("crash here\n");



I got the error from this part, as i said when the image size is small it works fine. But with bigger size it's broken! P.S: The program divided the pic into several files then re-combine it so the combining part is the one that causes the error.

Any help will be very much appreciated since I've been stuck with this error for more than 3 days!

like image 952
user614578 Avatar asked Feb 12 '11 21:02


2 Answers

You don't verify that the fopen() calls all succeed; this is a recipe for trouble.

You don't check the ftell() gives you a plausible value in lSize.

You don't verify that the strstr() operation actually finds the marker string. If it doesn't, it will return NULL and the following length operations are then bogus. But the error suggests that your code has written out of bounds, rather than just read data out of bounds.

You could declare the first four variables into the body of the loop instead of outside the loop.

You don't show the declaration of the variable filename; could that be a char pointer with no space allocated? Or is it an array that is big enough?

It is an odds-on bet that something has written beyond the end of some allocated space. It is not immediately obvious that there's anything wrong with this code, but the trouble could be elsewhere yet it is this code that suffers the effects of transgressions elsewhere. This is quite common with memory problems; the code that finds the problem isn't the code that causes it.

Does the malloc() on your machine return null or a non-null pointer when you allocate zero bytes? Both are legitimate responses.

If ftell() returns -1, then malloc() would allocate a buffer for 0 bytes, but the fread() would attempt to read up to 4 GB of data, which might overflow the space. OTOH, if ftell() fails, it is likely that fread() will fail too.

Have you printed out the sizes of the files? Is it the second partial file that crashes, or a later file?

I've taken the code you supplied, wrapped it up as a main() function, supplied missing variables and headers, and run it under valgrind. (MacOS X 10.6.6, GCC 4.5.2, Valgrind 3.6.0) It shows no problem. So, your trouble is most probably not in this code per se; something else earlier in your program trampled out of bounds of allocated memory and caused this to fail. I generated the 4 part files using the script:

{ echo "Header:control-Vcontrol-Mreturncontrol-Vcontrol-M"; dd if=/dev/random bs=1k count=4; } >part1

So each file was 4107 bytes long.

Working Code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(void)
    char filename[32];
    FILE* pFile;
    long lSize;
    char *buffer;
    ssize_t result;
    FILE* combinedFile = fopen("mypic.jpg", "wb+");
    int numberOfPartitions = 4;
    int i;

    for(i = 1; i <= numberOfPartitions; i++)
        sprintf(filename, "part%d", i);
        pFile = fopen(filename, "rb");

        fseek(pFile , 0 , SEEK_END);
        lSize = ftell(pFile);
        printf("size(%d) = %ld\n", i, lSize);

        buffer = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * (lSize + 1));

        if (buffer == NULL)
            fputs("Memory error", stderr);

        result = fread(buffer, 1, lSize, pFile);

        if (result != lSize)
            fputs("Reading error", stderr);
            char* temp = strstr(buffer, "\r\n\r\n");    
            temp = temp + 4;
            int len = lSize - (temp - buffer);
            if(i != numberOfPartitions)
                fwrite(temp, 1, len - 1, combinedFile);
                fwrite(temp, 1, len, combinedFile);

        printf("crash here\n");

    return 0;

I've not inserted all the error checking that I would if it were my own program.

The output file in my scheme is 16381 bytes long; that is 3 bytes short. The problem there is the fwrite() calls. The fread() code told you how many bytes it read; you subtracted the bytes for the header, and then subtracted one more. So, that if/else code reduces to just the fwrite() in the else.

like image 176
Jonathan Leffler Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09

Jonathan Leffler

Actually I can't find anything obviously wrong with your memory or file handling in the code above, the crash on free() might just be a symptom of something in your code writing into malloc()'s personal space...

You could use memory checkers such as Valgrind or debuggers like gdb to take a closer look.

The only possibly wrong thing that comes to mind is that buffer is not necessarily NUL-terminated, and as such the strstr() search can happily go over it, buffer[lSize] = '\0'; after the malloc-NULL-check should fix that. Also just to be sure, check that strstr() actually found what it was looking for (it returns NULL if it didn't). You may also want to check that all your fopen() calls actually succeed (return not NULL). If none of this helps, printout's of len, lSize, temp and buffer's values just before the fwrite() calls would be helpful.

like image 31
llongi Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 23:09
