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Glassfish + Spring

I have a quick question, that is, how do I run applications which use Spring framework on Glassfish server? That is, how do I make it run under control of Spring containers? Do I need to extend the server or something, I can't find much information about that, stuff I read about OSGI modules, just confused me.

like image 255
foFox Avatar asked Feb 21 '23 20:02


2 Answers

Basically you use web.xml to fire up Spring with a listener and then you map one or more spring Dispatcher servlets. You define controller beans in the dispatcher-servlet.xml, inject beans you defined in the applicationContext, and it sort of cascades down from there.

        etc etc



like image 163
Affe Avatar answered Feb 23 '23 11:02


In deployment descriptor(web.xml), define Servlet Listener and context param.

Context param - file location for spring bean files. (wild char allowed and pickup bunch of files that's under that wild char selection.)

Listener - spring class which will listen request. Different classes are available for different purpose.

            <!-- All file ends with Context.xml under web-inf folder --> 

    <display-name>Spring context loader</display-name>
    <!-- use following if you want to use request scope -->
    <!-- org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestContextListener -->

    <servlet-name>servlet name</servlet-name>

like image 45
neo Avatar answered Feb 23 '23 09:02
