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Glassfish / Payara javax.ejb.AccessLocalException: Client not authorized for this invocation in server.log

I was trying figure out the cause of another exception for my dynamic web app here - https://github.com/double-whammy/affablebean I made a small change and I got a new exception - javax.ejb.AccessLocalException: Client not authorized for this invocation

An online answer says that I do the following - http://ask.ozar.net/11/javax-accesslocalexception-client-authorized-invocation

Try deleting the generated policy file(s). You should be able to locate them under C:\glassfish-3\glassfish\domains\domain1\generated\policy. substitute your domain name with domain1

Another says more - http://glassfish.10926.n7.nabble.com/Persisting-Entity-javax-ejb-AccessLocalException-Client-not-authorized-for-this-invocation-td11197.html

you can find the policy file under domains/domainx/generated/policy///{granted.policy,excluded.poliy} positive grants are in granted.policy, negative grants are in excluded.policy (if any). (In domaninx, x =1,2,3 etc...)

look in granted.policy for an "unqualified grant of an EJBMethodPermission, with name = the EJbName of your session bean; which I think may be JpaPersonDao. and with a method spec that applies to the save method.

I tried the second one and I see many folders under my glassfish folder: C:\glassfish4\glassfish\domains\domain1\generated\policy

│   ├───AffableBean
│   │       granted.policy
│   │
│   └───AffableBean_internal
│           granted.policy
│   └───__admingui
│           excluded.policy
│           granted.policy

As you can see, there are so many granted.policy files. Which one should I fix ? Is it the one under first folder ?

like image 787
james Avatar asked Jul 22 '14 21:07


3 Answers

I think the root problem is because of cache of glassfish server because you make some modification in the existing EJB class.

To solve this problem you just need to clear folder/directory "generated" in domain folder, and restart your glassfish server to refresh.

like image 175
Ilario Junior Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 13:11

Ilario Junior

I resolved this by redeploying the application. In NetBeans, right-click the project and select Clean and Build. Run your application and voila!

like image 8
Gilbert Lopez Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 11:11

Gilbert Lopez

I have also seen the same error after:

  1. making security changes to the http-listener-2 of the server config: namely, disabling the older TLS protocols and some older Cipher suites, and then
  2. restarting glassfish.

I'm running Payara I likewise found a way to fix the problem was to:

  1. stop the server
  2. delete the contents of the domains/DOMAIN_NAME/generated folder, then
  3. start the server again

Some documentation for glassfish still seems relevant: according to the Glassfish Server High Availability Administration Guide, section Default Synchronization for files and directories, the folders application and generated follow these rules:


By default, only a change to an application's top-level directory within the application directory causes the DAS to synchronize that application's directory. When the DAS resynchronizes the applications directory, all the application's files and all generated content that is related to the application are copied to the instance.

If a file below a top-level subdirectory is changed without a change to a file in the top-level subdirectory, full synchronization is required. In normal operation, files below the top-level subdirectories of these directories are not changed and such files should not be changed by users. If an application is deployed and undeployed, full synchronization is not necessary to update the instance with the change.


This directory contains generated files for Java EE applications and modules, for example, EJB stubs, compiled JSP classes, and security policy files. Do not modify the contents of this directory.

This directory is resynchronized when the applications directory is resynchronized. Therefore, only directories for applications that are deployed to the instance are resynchronized.

By which I understand that the generated directory will only be re-generated if the application directory is.

like image 4
yesplease Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 11:11
