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Given model object, how to find index path in NSTreeController?

Given model objects that NSTreeController represents, how do you find their index paths in the tree and subsequently select them? This seems to be a blindingly obvious problem, but I can't seem to find any reference to it. Any ideas?

like image 691
Tony Avatar asked Jan 29 '12 00:01


1 Answers

There's no "easy" way, you have to walk the tree nodes and find a matching index path, something like:



@implementation NSTreeController (Additions)

- (NSIndexPath*)indexPathOfObject:(id)anObject
    return [self indexPathOfObject:anObject inNodes:[[self arrangedObjects] childNodes]];

- (NSIndexPath*)indexPathOfObject:(id)anObject inNodes:(NSArray*)nodes
    for(NSTreeNode* node in nodes)
        if([[node representedObject] isEqual:anObject])
            return [node indexPath];
        if([[node childNodes] count])
            NSIndexPath* path = [self indexPathOfObject:anObject inNodes:[node childNodes]];
                return path;
    return nil; 



extension NSTreeController {

    func indexPathOfObject(anObject:NSObject) -> NSIndexPath? {
         return self.indexPathOfObject(anObject, nodes: self.arrangedObjects.childNodes)

    func indexPathOfObject(anObject:NSObject, nodes:[NSTreeNode]!) -> NSIndexPath? {
         for node in nodes {
            if (anObject == node.representedObject as! NSObject)  {
                 return node.indexPath
            if (node.childNodes != nil) {
                if let path:NSIndexPath = self.indexPathOfObject(anObject, nodes: node.childNodes)
                     return path
        return nil
like image 132
Rob Keniger Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10

Rob Keniger