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Given an element of a list, how do I recover its index inside the list?





My problem is basically this:

I have a list, L, where each element is a matrix of the same dimension. I need to multiply each matrix inside this list by its corresponding element in an outside vector h, and then sum all the matrices.

L <- replicate(3, matrix(rnorm(4), 2), simplify = FALSE)
h <- 2:4

# I need this
L[[1]] * h[1] + L[[2]] * h[2] + L[[3]] * h[3]

Given that I need to experiment with a different number of matrices, and I have a bunch of them, I've got to do it in a smart way. My idea was

L1 <- lapply(L, function(x) x * h[x])
L2 <- Reduce('+', L1)

Where "h[x]" would be indexing the vector h by the index of the matrix x inside the list L, so I would get

 L1 = list(L[[1]] * h[1], L[[2]] * h[2], L[[3]] * h[3])

So, the question is, how to I get the index of an element in a list by using the element itself? Something like h[L[[m1]]] to get h[1].

Or, if you got any other way of solving my problem, how do I do it?

like image 885
Felipe Alvarenga Avatar asked Jun 13 '16 17:06

Felipe Alvarenga

1 Answers

I think you're looking for mapply()/Map() (Map is slightly easier here because it doesn't try to simplify the results):


‘Map’ applies a function to the corresponding elements of given vectors ... ‘Map’ is a simple wrapper to ‘mapply’ which does not attempt to simplify the result ...


‘mapply’ applies ‘FUN’ to the first elements of each ... argument, the second elements, the third elements, and so on

Set up example:

L <- replicate(3,matrix(rnorm(4),2),simplify=FALSE)
h <- 2:4

Do it:

like image 198
Ben Bolker Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 19:10

Ben Bolker