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GitPython check if git pull changed local files

Using GitPython and I want to call a function only if there is a change to local files after a pull. For example if I make a push on a separate computer. Then pull on the first computer it works as expected but does not provide any output. An ideal output is a list of files changed. Or alternatively just something that told me if the pull had an error, nothing pulled because the branch was up to date or a boolean that changes had happened. I believe I could scrape repo.git.status() but it seems crude. Looking around it looks like I could also compare branches for changes but it seems like a lot of extra code and remote calls. Is there a correct way using just the pull call?

while True:
    repo = git.Repo()
    o = repo.remotes.origin
    changed = NOT_SURE
    if changed:

Update: This does work for checking if changes were made but does not give the files changes without extra remote calls

while True:
    print(str(time.ctime())+": Checking for updates")
    repo = git.Repo()
    current_hash = repo.head.object.hexsha
    o = repo.remotes.origin
    pull_hash = repo.head.object.hexsha
    if current_hash != pull_hash:
        print("files have changed")
        print("no changes")

like image 533
Ryan Mills Avatar asked Nov 08 '22 06:11

Ryan Mills

1 Answers

I appreciate that this is two years late, however, I hope it may still be of some use.

I have just written pullcheck, a simple script to pull from a repo, check for changes then restart a target if changes are found. I found that this method was able to identify changes from the pull.

def git_pull_change(path):
    repo = git.Repo(path)
    current = repo.head.commit


    if current == repo.head.commit:
        print("Repo not changed. Sleep mode activated.")
        return False
        print("Repo changed! Activated.")
        return True
like image 121
James Geddes Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 00:11

James Geddes