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gitlab] how the disable the user confirmation e-mail

Currently, I am using Gitlab, and I love using this great one.

However, some users cannot receive the confirmation email and cannot loggin. I would like to 1) confirm them through my admin privilege or 2) configure the system not to send the email confirmation.

Any ideas? Thank you in advance.

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shin-haeng kang Avatar asked May 14 '15 08:05

shin-haeng kang

1 Answers

Like @shin-haeng-kang said, for a new user, setting signup_enabled: false in the site settings and creating users from the admin menu and then editing the password after creating the user will work.

If the users already exists, I found the following issue request that shows how to edit the postgres database manually.

From the gitlab server:

sudo -u git -H psql -d gitlabhq_production
gitlabhq_production=> update users set confirmation_token=null, confirmed_at=now() where confirmed_at is null;
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Phillip Stich Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 08:10

Phillip Stich